zaterdag 26 januari 2013

Unexpected penpal request and new penpal

Since about 2 weeks I have a local skype number in Ft Dix, NJ, so J can call me for 6ct a minute instead of the one dollar a minute calls he used to have to make when calling my cellphone. We've been enjoying this eversince and he's already called me like 6 times or so. Will call this weekend again :D.

A few days later his mom added me to skype and a few days ago we talked for the first time ever via skype. She told me that J's daughter had asked her if she could write me a letter. I'm fine with that, but I know J isn't because of some stupid things I said in the very beginning of our penpal friendship. I'm not going to do this behind his back, so I want to discuss this with him on the phone. But: where to start? I'm kinda nervous about it all, because I don't want it to end in an arguement. Only time can tell, huh? :D

Then, on another note: Lately I've been noticing that I have a lot of spare time when it comes to writing to my pals. In some prisons mail is being precessed really slow lately (SQSP for example), so my mailbox is very empty.
That's why I have decided to add a new penpal to the list. A female one this time. She's doing life without the possibility of parole, and her ad really stood out to me. I emailed her via the WAP emailfunction, so the mail will be printed and sent the fourth of next month. Gonna take a looooooot of patience there haha

Other than that I'm doing fine. Going to bring my bike to the shop so they can fix my flat tyre and then do some shopping.
Have a nice day!

maandag 21 januari 2013

Angel playing with my heart wordart freebie

Click the image so it will show up full size, right click on it and save image as. Enjoy!

Angel and Halo Wordart Freebie

Click the image so it will show up full size, right click on it and save image as. Enjoy!

Frogs and Stuff

14 months ago my mom passed away, she has always been an avid collector of frog items. Our house was stashed with them and they were even on the toilet hahahaha. So when Josh called me last thursday, he was like: awwww, I can't keep a secret: I made you a drawing and I think you'll like it.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I received a letter today from him and in the envelope was the drawing. I was stunned:

woensdag 16 januari 2013


Looking for idea's to spice up the letters to my penpals I came across a Zentangle website. Actually this is basically what we used to do in high school, but these days they call it Zentangle.

Click here for a Zentangle website

Here are some examples:

Quotes Websites

Here are a few websites with quotes. I find this very useful as I design quite a bit with Paint Shop Pro and photoshop. Makes finding inspirational quotes a lot easier, and comes in very handy when I write my pals as well.

Quotes and Sayings
Live Love Quotes and Sayings
I Love Life Quotes

zondag 13 januari 2013

Forum Issues

Being a member of the Write A Prisoner Forum (and some other forums as well) makes me realize that, however supportive and helpful  they are, there are still some areas they do not cover. This is not a bad thing, because these forums are intended to be a source of information. So I'm making my own forum. I've done this before, couldn't get it to work and eventually it expired so now I'm trying again :D
Ah well, it keeps one busy, lol.

zaterdag 12 januari 2013

Dammit Scam it...

Just a few days ago I received a letter from my pal J in Texas. He is a once in a whiler (maybe 3 or 4 letters a year), but this was his second letter in a relatively short amount of time. With him being low on funds, I was wondering why I got a new letter so soon. Well, I found out the moment I opened the envelope, because inside were TWO trustfund forms, and he'd already filled in his details on one of them. And in the letter before that was also a trustfund form...
Man, I was really disappointed, not because he sent the forms, I know he doesn't have much money so I can't blame him for trying. I do however am afraid that if he finds out that I'm not going to send him any money, he will stop writing. I do enjoy his letters however minimal they are.

I know the drill and will send him a polite answer stating that I can't afford to send him money, I just guess I hoped I wouldn't have to go through this.

Bloggen in het Engels

Omdat ik nu toch ook wel wat engels sprekende volgers en bezoekers krijg, heb ik besloten om ook in het engels te gaan bloggen.

woensdag 2 januari 2013

De eerste 2013 goodie is binnen

Vandaag kwam er een brief van Bruce uit Amerika, met een onwijs lief getekend kerstkaartje. Nu weet ik niet of hij dit zelf getekend heeft, soms vragen ze ook wel eens aan andere inmates die heel goed kunnen tekenen of ze zoiets willen maken. Ze betalen hier dan voor met bijvoorbeeld postzegels. Maar de gedachte is heel lief :D

A Million Lovesongs Wordart Freebie

Even de wordart aanklikken, zodat ie op origineel formaat komt, er dan met je rechtermuisknop opklikken en opslaan als kiezen.


I Don't Want To Miss A Thing Wordart Freebie

Even de wordart aanklikken, zodat ie op origineel formaat komt, er dan met je rechtermuisknop opklikken en opslaan als kiezen.


dinsdag 1 januari 2013

The Ugly Truth

Josh vertelde mij in zijn laatste brief over zijn favoriete film The Ugly Truth. Het is een romantische comedy met Katherine Heigl en Gerard Butler, en vandaag heb ik deze even geleend van het internet om hem te kijken.
Het is een superschattige film, en aangezien ik toch niet kan slapen, kon ik hem mooi even kijken.

Gelukkig 2013

Een beetje laat maar uit een goed hart :D